Ever heard the expression, “There’s no such thing as being a little bit pregnant”? It’s used to expose people when they try to underplay something in an inappropriate way. (“I sort of told a lie.”O The fact is, some things are simply either/or. Either you told a lie or you didn’t. Either you’re pregnant or you’re not.
But, then again, pregnancy is progressive–from conception to delivery.
Is that a contradiction? No. We’re comparing apples and oranges. The development of a fetus is not in conflict with the status of being pregnant. One is either/or and the other is gradual but they both reflect the same reality.
This simple illustration might show you why I was so frustrated to hear of educated theological popularizers who demanded a “nanosecond” between justification and sanctification in order to “protect” one from the other–typically to protect justification from sanctification (no one seems really to worry about the integrity of sanctification that much).
Continue reading “Justification, Sanctification, and the Illusion of Timing”