Solomon Says Out Loud: Online Audio

Photo by tony clough from FreeImages

If you’re still on the fence about buying my book, as a weapon for your bunker in the virus apocalypse or for a more conventional reason, here are some audio resources to help you make up your mind.

First, there is my interview on the Redeemer Talk podcast:

Also, a couple of months ago, I was given the privilege to be the speaker at a Bible conference at Tri-City Covenant Church. This involved 4 lectures on a Saturday:

  1. The Age of Wisdom
  2. The Dominion Mandate to Yourself
  3. The Anti-Dominion Mandate
  4. Limiting Chaos at Your Lips

Then, Sunday, I taught Sunday school and preached a sermon.

The sermon text was Philippians 2:14. Unhappily, I forgot to turn on my microphone at first so the file has two minutes of silence at the beginning.

Eventually, I’ll convert this post to a page and add older audio links as well as keep it updated with new stuff.

Stay tuned!