For The Second Podcast Episode… And the Republication of my Mark Commentary

So I might as well announce it here!

I have, with the help of my son Calvin, started a podcast: The Glory of Kings.

We will discuss things related to wisdom and the Bible. A good deal of that will be on living wisely. Some will also be about reading the Bible with better understanding.

(I believe that Proverbs 25:2 applies to both areas. Life and the Bible are both riddles to be wrestled with.)

We recorded the third episode today.

Our second episode has dropped and it involves another announcement that I have delayed making: Canon Press has republished The Victory According to Mark: An Exposition of the Second Gospel. You can buy it directly or you can listen to it read aloud on the valuable Canon app!

Our podcast episode was mainly about the new introduction about my improvement (at least I think so!) I have made since originally writing the commentary. Give it a listen if you haven’t read the new introduction (or maybe even if you have).

As an extra help, here is what I see as the pattern of Mark 1-10, presented without much explanation (listen to the podcast and/or read the book for more information).

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